Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Challenging the Legality of The Commissioner's actions

A Voire Dire challenging legality of the Main Charge in the first instance, all other charges that was derived from the investigation and this trial, COP V/S Allan Palmer.

It is alleged by the Commissioner of Police that he gave me an order not to publish the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) business on the blog Crushing Fools which can be access via the web address (which from here will be refer to as the blog.) The first question we must answer before we proceed any further is whether or not the content of the blog can be considered the business of the Bermuda Police Service.

Before we get to that stage we must first clarify and conclude on the following definitions, we must be clear on what is:
  • an opinion
  • A rumor
  • And what is or considered personal or institution’s business

I will start by defining what an opinion is.

An opinion is a conclusion (which may or may not be a statement of fact) drawn upon base on information obtained via the sensory organs. Examples of there are as follows:

An opinion base on the sense of smell: While I was walking though a neighborhood I detected a strong aroma of cherry. Base on the aroma I conclude that the aroma was as a results of someone making cherry Jam. This conclusion that I came to base on the aroma I detected is an opinion. Now if efforts were made and my conclusion was verified, then my opinion is now a statement of fact. If it was proven that another source was responsible for the aroma, then my opinion still remains an opinion although an error. It is also important to note that opinions are not set in stone; they can change when more information is received by the sensory receptors.

  • Opinion formulated base on the sense sight: We can also come to a conclusion based by observing a persons behavior, an action, or a phenomenon.
  • An opinion bases on the sense of hearing: We can formulate an opinion base on a story, a rumor or a declaration of another that we were privilege to have heard. I can go on but I believe that these examples will be sufficient for you to get a clear understanding.

A rumor:

A rumor is an unverified story that is being passed around as a fact. It is also important to note that an individual can formulate an opinion base on a rumor also. Personal and institutional Business: This is the official business of a person or an institution; this business can be confidential or otherwise. And such must be obtained by being in a position of trust. This can be from obtaining that information from the person or from a key person in that institution, or from being put in a place where one can access such information.

It is important to understand that no one who was trusted with confidential or other information that can be considered the business of an individual or an institution do not have the rights to speak of such publicly, or to publish or to cause part or all of that information to be published. It is also important to note that to do the foregoing without the permission of the owner of the information may not be unlawful or illegal but it may be unethical.


Having examined the foregoing definitions and having examined the content of the blog; you must conclude that the content of the blog cannot be considered the business of the BPS. All of the information that is posted on the blog is my business and my opinion. The said information is my business as it relates to the unfair or unjust treatment that I received at the hands of key personnel in the Bermuda Police Service.

My experience is my business to speak about publicly, to publish or to cause to be published. It is unfortunate that the Bermuda Police Service have been administering treatment to me, that if make public can/will reflect negatively on the institution and its management. I can understand the effort of the BPS is making to keep such negative occurrence from the public’s attention, but at what cost.

Now that I have bring to your attention a comprehensive level of clarity by explaining the facts as it relates to the category under which the post on the blog falls, I know that you can see the problem we are faced with as it relates to the lawfulness or the legality of the main charge from which all the other charges was derived. An understanding which I know the Commissioner of

Police, his advisers and the investigators had all along. Yet they oppressively caused my stress and frustration by causing my suspension, ordering an investigation, charging me and now causing my illegal prosecution.

I am forced to ask the following questions; was it the intention of the Commissioner of Police to prevent me from speaking of the Bermuda Police Service business or was it his intention to prevent me from discussing my business as it relates to my treatment in the Bermuda Police Service and my opinion publicly.

I therefore submit to you that I have never contravened any lawful order the Commissioner of Police allegedly give to me in writing or the spoken words.

Although I have already proved the illegality of the root charge, I will go a step further in my effort to clarify any question.

First of all I am going to establish the following as it relates to the Commissioner of Police, as it relates to his responsibility of administrating the affairs of the Bermuda Police Service.

  1. Does the Commissioner of Police possess ultimate/unlimited powers?
  2. What are the limits of his powers as it relates to giving instruction?
  3. Can the commissioner of Police give an unlawful instruction?
  4. And if an unlawful instruction is given, does anyone under his supervision have the right to disobey any such order or instruction?

According to the laws of Bermuda which includes the Bermuda Constitution, The Police Act 1974, and even the police disciplinary code (the Police Disciplinary Code is not law) has lay down perimeter of the powers of the Commissioner of Police. These laws are available to the public at the national library or via the Internet.

Can the Commissioner of Police give an unlawful order?

According to section 6 of the Police Act 1974 which states:

Members of the Service to obey lawful orders.
6 Every member of the Service shall obey all lawful orders of his superior officers and Justices of the Peace whether given verbally or in writing and shall obey and conform to all police regulations, orders and instructions made under this Act.

We must bear in mind that this section did not state that members of the Service shall obey all orders. It clearly states that members of the service hall obey all lawful orders. This in it self tells you that it is not all orders that my come down from the Commissioner of Police may be lawful. And if you must obey all lawful order then you reserve the rights to disobey or refrain from complying with any unlawful order.

Let us say for example (in an extreme case) the commissioner orders one of his men to shoot an unarmed man who was no threat to him (the Commissioner of Police) or any member of the community, but such order were given because of some grievance the commissioner may have with that individual; and let us say for example that officer shoot the individual who die as a result of a gun shot wound. The question we all are forced to answer is, who will be charged for the murder; the Commissioner of Police or the officer who is inferior in rank to the Commissioner of Police who aim/point the gun at the victim and squeeze the trigger which resulted in the death of the individual? It is obvious that the officer who took the action on behalf of the commissioner will be charged and convicted.

This is so because the junior officer is only obligated to follow lawful order given to him by his seniors. The junior officer cannot even use duress as a defense. Although in the junior officer’s mind his respect for or fear of the Commissioner’s rank, his position, his authority and his confidence in the commissioner, may very well put the Junior officer under such mental stress that he felt he must comply with the unlawful instruction of the commission and thus the Commissioner of Police may have technically put that junior officer under duress, but under these circumstances duress cannot/will not be considered a legal or lawful defense.

The order (s) from the commissioner do not have to be so outrageous, or one that can merit a murder conviction or a lengthy term of imprisonment, it may be a simple instruction that may not have any serious consequence, no junior officer is obligated to follow any unlawful instruction, it must be made clear that it is the personal choice of the junior officer if he so wishes to comply with such order. It must also be made absolutely clear and also be known that the junior officer will be solely responsible for such action and any consequence of such action if he knows that such order was unlawful.

What will be unfortunate for that officer is the fact that the law is clear. Officers are to comply with the lawful orders of his seniors. No officer is obligated to comply with any unlawful instruction of his seniors.

The Police Act 1974 made of mentioned to categories in this section it speak of “Superior officers” (Superior in this case refers to rank, not management or policing ability) and the “Justice of the Peace.” In this case Justice of the Peace refers to the honorary post that is given to outstanding, respected and reputable members of the community who has the legislated powers of a magistrate as well as the professional (trained lawyers) magistrates; all of whom the commissioner of police is obligated to take orders or instruction form.

Base on the privileges the Bermuda Constitution give to me. And you notice I use the word privilege, that is because the rights as is outlined in the Bermuda constitution are conditional that it does not cause any serious unrest with in the state, (spreading a falsehood that cause mass panic in the community etc.) in other words in the interests of defense, public safety, public order, public morality or public health; and as long as one whilst in the exercise of his rights civil, constitutional rights, or human rights he does not impede the rights of others.

Let us once again examine my rights as provided for me under the constitution of Bermuda, as it relates to my rights to form hold and express my opinion freely.

Chapter 1 of schedule two of the order of the constitution of Bermuda, section 1, subsection, (b) and section 9 subsection 1 clearly states:

Fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual

1. Whereas every person in Bermuda is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, has the right, whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, color, creed or sex, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest, to each and all of the following, namely:

(b) Freedom of conscience, of expression etc.

Protection of freedom of expression
9 (1) Except with his consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, and for the purposes of this section the said freedom includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information without interference, and freedom from interference with his correspondence.

This piece of the Supreme law is written in clear, simple understandable language that even the simplest of mind could grasp and understand its meaning and therefore needs no further explanation.

We have examined the powers of the Commissioner of Police under the Police regulation now let us look at the powers of the Commissioner of Police under the Constitution of Bermuda the supreme law in the island of Bermuda: which is to administer the affairs of the Service according to the stipulations laid out in the Police Act 1974 which give him the power to make policies and rules which will see the efficient and effective running of the Service. But such policies and rules cannot supersede the Police Act or the Constitution of Bermuda. In other words the Commissioner of Police cannot grant to himself unlimited powers.

The Duty of Public officer: According to the Bermuda Constitution as it relates to his/her freedom of expression also has its restrictions and lawful limitations. The lawful imposed restrictions on public officers is unlawful if the expression of the public officer can be deemed to be reasonable justifiable in a democratic society.

If it was determined that a public officer is deemed to be acting in a manner that was not considered reasonable in a democratic society, then the officer must be informed in writing and asked to desist from the action (s). If not he or she must be left alone to excise his constitutional privilege without interference.

I submit to you that my actions as it relates to the posting of my business and opinion on the blog, and as it relates to the advertisement on the rear of my car was not unlawful and did not violate any law whether criminal or common law, and neither did my action violate any ones right or imposed on any one civil liberty or freedom.

Now I have brought sufficient evidence to prove that the order as it pertain to me as a policing operating and posting of information on the blog Crushing Fools of which I am the professed administrator was unlawful; even though the posting of some of the articles on the said blog may be different to the opinion of that of Commissioner of Police and a few of his senior officers. The order which he gave was indeed unlawful as the main intent was to censorship. And therefore was an imposition of my under mentioned and protected rights and I have no obligation to comply with any such order.

This brings me to a very important section of the constitution, as outlined in Chapter 1 section 3 subsection (1) which deals with the protection from inhuman treatment which states:

Protection from inhuman treatment
3 (1) No person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

This is what is presently happening to me, I was forced to work under and in a very hostile environment and because I refused to comply with unlawful instructions I am punished, (suspended) and have unlawful prosecution be brought against me.

Even the police Disciplinary Code 1975 section 2 subsection (b) (c) (d) and (f) speak of oppressive conduct.

(b) An officer may be guilty of oppressive conduct: if a police officer is guilty of oppressive or tyrannical conduct towards an inferior in rank or

c) If willfully or negligently make a false complaint or statement against any other officer.

I have a case of oppressive conduct against several member of the Bermuda Police Service that used their position and authority to aid in my unlawful suspension.

Allan H. F. Palmer

Reply To Acting Commissioner Of Police: Bryan Bell

...........................................................................................................Form Pol A45/M


To: Commissioner of Police........................................Div/Dept:Operational Policing

From: Allan H. F. Palmer ...............................................Date: Thursday 5th May 2008

Subject: Violation of the rights of Allan H. F. Palmer

My name is Allan Palmer PC 2209 I am currently on suspension from the Bermuda Police Service, my last posting was at the Hamilton Police Station then I was attached to Community Policing Division.

In relation to the Addendum to Notice of Suspension from Duty dated 24th January 2008, (which will be here after be referred to as the Addendum) that was served on me by Chief Inspector James Howard on Thursday 1st May 2008. The addendum had a forwarding address and the name of B. Bell Acting Deputy Commissioner. So I am of the understanding that this document was from you Mr. B. Bell acting in the office of Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Bermuda Police Service.

I will attempt to clarify any misconception that you may have, as it relates to previous instruction given by the commissioner of Police George Jackson and the legality of the instruction that was outlined in the addendum, which was served on me by Chief inspector James Howard as was instructed by you in your capacity of Acting Deputy Commissioner. At this stage I will not deal with Paragraph two of the addendum as it will only be a regurgitation of a matter I have addressed on several occasions.

First let us address the matter of attempted censorship as it relates to your effort to violate my protected rights under the constitution of Bermuda. Chapter 1 sec.1 and subsection (b) of the Constitution of Bermuda that deal with the fundamental fights and freedom of the individual which clearly states:

Fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual
1 Whereas every person in Bermuda is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, has the right, whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, color, creed or sex, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest, to each and all of the following, namely:

(b) Freedom of conscience, of expression and of assembly and association.

And also section 9 (1) which deals with the freedom of expression without interference to receive and impart (share) ideas and information and my freedom from interference with my correspondence, that is clearly outlined below under the heading “Protection of freedom of expression.

Protection of freedom of expression:
9 (1) Except with his consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, and for the purposes of this section the said freedom includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information without interference, and freedom from interference with his correspondence.

I do not have to explain to you the uninterrupted rights that are awarded to me by the constitution of Bermuda, rights which you are seeking to use your office of Acting Deputy Commission and the authority of the office to deprive me of. I have so concluded base on the content and demands outlined in the addendum. Your action can be considered a misuse of a public office and authority. Just in case you were not aware of the lawful facts I have outlined above, I will take this opportunity to bring this piece of information to your attention. The constitution of Bermuda takes president and is supreme to every act or law that is enforced in this blessed Country. Bermuda’s constitution is the supreme law.

In relation to the bringing to light of my constitutional rights as is outlined above, I will declare to you that all order you have given to me in the Addendum is in direct contravention of my constitutional rights as provided for by the constitution of Bermuda, thus making your orders unlawful. It is important to note and for your understanding that I have never disobey a lawful instruction in my policing career, in the same breath I do not have a problem ignoring an order that I can prove to be unlawful or illegal if such an order is not in the public’s interest.

In relation to you ordering me to remove from public view an advertisement posted on the rear wind screen of my ‘private motorcar,’ I am forced to asked you under which authority or where in the laws of Bermuda or which includes the police regulation and or in the policies of the Bermuda Police Service is it illegal or unlawful for any member of the Bermuda Police Service to advertise a commodity, service, publication etc. The blog or website Crushing fools is a public medium, and I hold the right to provide the public with information as to the means of accessing the said blog/website. After all it is the public rights to use or not to use the information provided to them, it is also the choice of the public to access or not to access the blog/website.

I must also inform you that information place on this blog/website can only be libelous and or slanderous if they can be proven to be so. I cannot see why my factual writing can cause you and the other members of the Bermuda Police Service such grief. I know that at times the truth can be embarrassing but like every one else, adults must learn to deal with the truth. It is what adults do. Trying to hide the truth is not going to change its status.

It is with a sense of shame and disappointment that your action as outlined by you in the Addendum only seeks to remind me of a historical fact that relates to the treatment mated out by your kind to my people during slavery. Where your fore parents took advantage of the ignorance of my people and use such ignorance as leverage in their prosecution, victimization, exploitation, and to aid in depriving them of their basic human, civil and other rights. It also brought to mind the inhumane treatment that black people suffered in that era. I am assuring you that I will not be place in a position where I become a victim in the same manner as my fore parents. I t is important that you understand that I will not be intimidated by you, neither will I be control by fear, nor my actions or vocal expressions will be govern by ignorance.

Let me also take this opportunity to implore you to read this document with the utmost care and seriousness I also hope that you will take the opportunity to review the ordered you give to me in the addendum. Orders which you give in your capacity and with the authority of the Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of the Bermuda Police Service and orders which you expect me to comply with, orders which is unlawful. I will also request that you pay particular attention to the various institution to which I have cc this document.
I believed that you were misled in your briefing on this matter, and you actions were as the results of misinformation fed to you by men with hidden agendas. I hope that you have the good judgment to see the folly of your Addendum and immediately withdrew the same. After all it takes a big man (mentally) to see and admit that he was wrong.

In defense of my constitutional, civil rights and freedom

Sign Allan Palmer
cc: Bermuda Police Association (executive)
Legal counsel (for Allan H.F. Palmer)
Bermuda Human Rights Association
Ms. D De Caster (Police Welfare officer)

Letter To Deputy Commissioner Carlton Adams Re: Suspension

12 Headquarters Hill

The Deputy Commissioner of Police
10 Head Quarters Hill

6th February 2008

Dear Sir,

It is with a sense of respect for your integrity and value of the responsibility of your office as Deputy Commissioner of Police and disciplinary officer of the Bermuda Police Service that I take this opportunity to appeal to your sense of justice. As you know that on the 24th Of January 2008, I was suspended by you, pending the outcome of an investigation as to whether or not my posting on the blog contravened any section of the Police Regulation.

I know that such investigation should not take a long period, as a quick review of the police regulation and the content of the post on the blog should have since pointed out any such discrepancies. I have taken timeout to also review the fact in the investigation, and I have concluded that my action had not contravened the police regulation, as it outlined. I am also convinced that your findings have also revealed the same conclusion as my findings.

I was shocked when I was contacted by Chief Inspector Howard, who served me with what was, a further or new suspension document, disguised as an addendum; this new suspension document; outlining new reasons for my suspension. I can assure you, that the new information that seeks to justify my suspension; is false and misleading. I am attaching copies of the said documents which include:
  • The new suspension document.
  • The new second schedule.
  • And the caution statement (that was recorded by noted serious crime investigator Mark Clark.)

It is hard to understand, why, men in responsible position will compromise their integrity to justify such an insignificant point. I was of the misguided opinion, that one may be suspended only after an investigation had discovered that the individual (s) in question may have some charge to answer. And it is only if any such charges after they were laid -against the persons conduct or miss-conduct, had some form of criminal connotation attached to them; then and only then, that a suspension will be “considered.”

We can review the situation of Dennis Archer, (who Ideally was a Barbadian) who had criminal allegation made against him for which he was eventually convicted, yet he was never dealt with in such a cruel manner as I am now being dealt with. Even the PASE regulation give the criminal the privilege of having his matter looked into first to verify if the allegation which was brought against him has some merit to them. Yet I, who have not committed any crime, and for whom trivial and ungrounded allegations had been made against, am being treated like a criminal. The institution that I have served loyally, have seen it fit to do all in its power to cause my suspension. they have also brought in Inspector mark Clark who is know for investigating serious criminal offenses to investigate a trivial fabricated matter; all because someone is of the opinion that I should not be allowed to express myself freely using words. This whole situation is not only sad it is pathetic.

I must also inform you that my purpose for coming to Bermuda was not to cheat the Bermudian community, and to receive a salary without earning it. I can assure you that I am not a dishonest person, and as I am not expecting anything form the people of Bermuda for nothing, I am not asking any special favors from anyone. But I am asking you to find the strength and use your integrity to facilitate the process and let justice be done.

I will like to make it clear, that I am a responsible adult and if I am guilty of an offence I am willing to suffer such consequence thereof like a man. But if I am not guilty of an offence, I should be allowed to be treated with the common decency and respect that I deserved.

I know that in your honesty and forthrightness you are aware of the injustice that is being done to me, as it relates to this matter. I hope that you will not sit their and look at a great miscarriage of justice, but you will be a champion for truth, justice and honesty and use your office and take a stand for the same. We cannot afford to have an institution that has one system of justice for one set of people and another system of justice for another set. We all have and can use the power of one opposing voice.

It is in service to Humanity and with a call for justice that I plead.

Signed: __________________________________

Allan H. F Palmer

Bcc: To the Commissioner of Police (George Jackson)
The Police welfare officer (Mrs. De Costar)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Action Cause Him Shame

Last night (Thursday 6th November2008) I went to bed with a popular Seventh Day Adventist (S.D.A) song in my head, it is the song "Holy, holy is what the angel said" this song it hymn number 425 in the Seventh Day Adventist hymnal. then I woke up on Friday 7th November 2008 and within 20 minutes I wrote the words you will find below.
The words below can be sung to the tune for the same song that can be found in the S.D.A hymnal; number 425. It gives the picture of how our rebellion from God affect him and the heavenly host.

I am not a holy angel, but I know just how they feel,
when they witness my rebellion from the God who rescued me,
Fro God charted my salvation, and he sacrifices his son,
it was done because he loves me, and he wants me for his own.

Shame, shame; shame, shame; was what God’s Angels said,
oh my behavior seems to make the holy host of heaven fled,
For when they witness my betrayal, they will spread their wings,
for angels also feel the pain that my betrayal brings.

Oh just how much my God love me, I will never, never know;
for before the worlds existence, Salvations plans my father knew.
He had planned to send a savior, Jesus Christ his only son,
who will fight for my redemption and the bottle he has won.

Shame, shame; shame, shame; is what the angel see,
each time they cast their holy eyes and take a glimpse of me.
Each time they think of rebellion, they hang their head in shame,
for angels also feels the pain that my backsliding brings.

Oh I know that Jesus loves me, more than anyone else could,
for he gave his life to save me when my value was no good,
And although I don’t deserve it, he has mercies to forgive,
and if ever I am faithful, forever more with him I will live.

Shame, shame, shame, shame is what the angel feel,
for when I go against God’s words it makes God’s angels squeal.
Each time they sees my insurrection they will fold their wings,
for Angels always sees the pain that my deceit brings him.

There is oh such jubilation, when I go against God’s words;
there is exciting celebration with the rings of Satan’s cords.
For it is his heart’s desire that we break the heart of God’s,
and each time we betray our savior, he is there to prove our worth.

Shame, shame; shame, shame; is what the Angel say,
it seems like mankind take for naught the price their savior paid,
For Jesus give his life to save us, yet we defile his name,
each time I disobey Gods words, I cause my saviors pain.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Don't give up, Anguillan blogger tells local writers

The decision by a number of notable social commentary bloggers in Bermuda to step away from the online world through disillusionment and a questioning of whether their efforts make a difference has reverberated elsewhere in the region.

The online community of Anguilla, in the British West Indies, is encouraging one of its most active bloggers not to follow the decision of Bermuda bloggers Limey in Bermuda (Phillip Wells) and 21 Square (Dennis Pitcher) who have recently pulled back from blogging.

The worth of blogs as a place where the community can discuss and debate what is happening around them — particularly in the areas of Government and politics — has been reinforced by online writers in Anguilla who follow the musings of lawyer Don Mitchell, CBE, moderator of the Corruption-free Anguilla blog.

They have encouraged him not to follow the decision taken by the high-profile Bermuda bloggers.

"Do bloggers really make any useful contribution? I am not the only one who has been asking myself this question. Recent developments with bloggers in Bermuda show that others are asking themselves the same thing," wrote Mr. Mitchell.

In his own reflection on what has happened in Bermuda, Mr. Mitchell, QC, noted also that a new Bermuda blog started last December by Policeman Allan Palmer, called Crushing Fools, saw only one post by the officer who Mr. Mitchell knew when he served in St. Vincent.

"He challenged his readers to take back the island from the criminals on the street. He called on the community to be "courageous" and to unite against violence and crime. He came in for high praise in the media. After his first article, he published nothing more. He loves writing. He would not have stopped without pressure. I suspect he was shut down by his superiors, never mind he was asking the public to cooperate with their police."

Mr. Mitchell, who is a native of the Caribbean and has lived in Anguilla since 1976, mentioned the re-election of the PLP as Government despite "revelations of shenanigans" within Government "frequently published prior to the election in the courageous mainstream press such as The Royal Gazette."

He told his readers that Bermuda's Mr. Pitcher, on his blog 21 Square, had received personal attacks that left him "tired, saddened and disillusioned" concluding that "Government representatives and their supporters prefer to shoot the messenger rather than discuss the message".

The retired lawyer said Limey in Bermuda's Mr. Wells had given detailed reasons why he was closing his blog, believing that continuing to criticise Government made things worse and attracted racially-intoned attacks, whether you were a blogger, a journalist or a member of the political opposition.

In considering the worth of blogging, Mr. Mitchell said it was misguided to think a blog could make a difference other than offer a place for alternative perspective and ideas.

He told The Royal Gazette he started blogging just over a year ago, explaining: "I was fed up with the silence in the community in the face of what seemed like obvious impending doom."

But he added: "I recognise blogging is a complete waste of time if the blogger intends it to achieve anything positive. It is a private mediation done in public. It is not a pulpit designed to influence and change people's behaviour. Blogging is most fun when the blogger does not care if a soul in the world agrees with what is written."

And on his blog he said:"After all, no politician is lying awake at night worrying about what is published about him on a blog."

In response, readers of the blog pointed to the difference between Bermuda and Anguilla — particularly in terms of mainstream media.

One said: "In Bermuda they have three real newspapers, one of them a daily. They don't hesitate to criticise the Premier and his friends. Lord knows what outrageous things Dr. Brown would do if he didn't have to think 'How is this going to look in the Gazette tomorrow?'" and opinioned that as Anguilla "doesn't have a real newspaper" or a "real opposition", Mr. Mitchell's was serving a needed role.

Police blogger faces disciplinary hearing

A policeman who was suspended from duty after launching an internet blog is to face a disciplinary hearing, his latest online entry reveals.

P.c. Allan Palmer tells visitors to his Crushing Fools website that he was served with a charge sheet on Tuesday containing six charges for an "internal trial" by Bermuda Police Service (BPS).
Five days before, he says, his bosses served him with papers ordering him to take down posts and not publish any more about the Police on his blog.

"These charges will give me an opportunity to vindicate myself and test the way the Bermuda Police Service does business in the future," he writes.

"It is strange that everyone is of the opinion that this whole trial was concocted or was rigged and even if I present a winning case I will be found guilty."

The father-of-three fell foul of his superiors after launching his online journal at the end of last year. The Royal Gazette reported on the site after he wrote a message urging the community to unite against violence.

His next post on January 23 was titled An Abuse of Power — Stepping Back into the Stone Age of Policing and claimed that "ambitious people" within the police service were trying to silence officers like him. He was suspended on full pay soon after.

The January 23 entry has been removed from the site but subsequent posts has been made.
His post this week does not detail the six charges. It reads in part: "It has been almost four months since I was suspended from the Bermuda Police Service and during this time, Bermuda Police Service seems to be dragging their feet in having my matter processed speedily."

He goes on: "Now I am very much satisfied that I am going to have my day at a trial."

He claims the orders to remove posts from his blog and an advert promoting the website on the back of his car are an attempt at censorship by BPS and in contravention of Bermuda's constitution and his right to freedom of expression.

P.c. Palmer told this newspaper he did not wish to comment and referred questions to his lawyer, who could not be contacted.

A BPS spokesman said: "The matter of P.c. Palmer is a subject of the Police Discipline Orders 1975 and, as such, no comment can be made at this time."

Blogging policeman resigns

A police constable who faced disciplinary charges after launching an online blog has resigned and will leave Bermuda in August.

Allan Palmer, from St. Vincent, told The Royal Gazette he handed his notice into Bermuda Police Service last Friday. "The whole thing is just a waste of my time and their time," he said.
"I'm not fighting for a job. It just doesn't make sense fighting with these people. They would have their own way no matter what happens so I have just decided to call it a day."

Mr. Palmer incurred the wrath of his superiors after launching his Crushing Fools blog at the end of last year. He posted a message on the internet journal in January — since removed — claiming that "ambitious people" within the Island's Police service were trying to take it back into the dark ages by silencing officers such as himself and "perverting the course of internal justice".

His bosses responded by suspending him from duty — but his critical posts about other officers continued.

Last month, Mr. Palmer was served with a charge sheet containing six charges and told to attend a disciplinary hearing.

The 41-year-old said he saw no point in going through the disciplinary process and has instead opted to leave the Island and look for work elsewhere.

He would not reveal where he intends to head next, claiming: "I don't want to say if I have got a job; knowing these people they will try to put stumbling blocks in my way."

He said he had no regrets about Crushing Fools. "I don't regret setting the blog up one bit. Everything has been worth it."

The single father-of-three said his decision to resign was partly fuelled by the fact that he wanted to spend time with his eight-year-old son Malique, who is going to England to live with his mother.

Mr. Palmer's other two children live outside of Bermuda.

"It's also time for me to move on," he explained. "Four years for me in Bermuda is quite enough. Bermuda has a lot of money to offer its workers but there is more to life than money.

"I would not be sad to leave the Island although I'll miss a few of the friends I have made. I'm just shooting off into the sunrise."

A BPS spokesman said: "The BPS does not comment on officers' personal HR matters."

Blogging Policeman suspended

A Policeman has been suspended from duty after posting allegations of "misdeeds" in the Bermuda Police Service on his internet blog.

The Royal Gazette reported on P.c. Allan Palmer's Crushing Fools site earlier this month, after he wrote a message urging the community to unite against violence.The St. Vincent father-of-three, who describes himself in his online journal as an "independent thinker", posted another message on January 23, titled An Abuse of Power Stepping Back into the Stone Age of Policing.
The posting - since removed from the site - claimed that "ambitious people" within the Island's Police service are trying to take it back into the dark ages by silencing officers such as himself and "perverting the course of internal justice".

P.c. Palmer claimed there was a tight-knit "mafia" of Barbadian officers who attempted to manipulate issues to make sure things go their way. He alleged that he began to have a bad experience in Bermuda Police Service (BPS) after raising concerns about a "practice that was sanctioned by the ... Barbadian Mafia".

"To have the guts to speak out against the discrepancies was the beginning of my troubles in the Bermuda Police Service," he wrote. "The protective little bunch launched an all-out attack on me."

He added: "In their effort to cover up the misdeeds and to once again aid in the miscarriage of internal justice, I became the focus of their negative attention.

"P.c. Palmer wrote that the "war was intensified" after this newspaper published an article on his blog on January 8. He claimed that the BPS viewed his blog entries, one of which questioned whether official Police statistics should include additional categories, as negative.

P.c. Palmer, who launched Crushing Fools in December, is understood to have been a Policeman here for about four years with his contract due to end next April. He wrote in the removed post: "One thing I am confident of is the fact that I left St. Vincent and the Grenadines an efficient and an effective police officer. The same goals I use in policing St. Vincent and the Grenadines are the same goals I use here; I ensure the people of the community can enjoy the comfort of their own homes and community without fear."

This newspaper sent e-mails to the BPS last Thursday afternoon asking for comment. It is understood that P.c. Palmer was suspended on full pay that day after a meeting with his superiors.

The 41-year-old's next post was on Monday (January 28), when he wrote:"By now the world should know that I am on suspension from the Bermuda Police Service, pending the outcome of an investigation which was initiated after I posted the last article on this blog."

A spokesman for BPS said last night: "The Bermuda Police Service can confirm that P.c. Allan Palmer has been suspended in relation to allegations of conduct that may have breached the Bermuda Police Service discipline code.

"We won't go into any of the specifics that he's made on his website at this time but we are actively looking into his breach at this point in time. We will not say anything else as this is an ongoing discipline matter."
What do you think? Should Police officers face disciplinary action for criticising their superior officers? E-mail your thoughts to

Blogger calls for residents to 'be courageous'

A serving Police officer has launched an Internet blog calling on the community to "be courageous" and unite against violence and crime.

P.c. Allan Palmer, who is originally from St. Vincent and is understood to have been a policeman in Bermuda for about four years, began posting messages on his Crushing Fools site last month — before the violence which marred the Island's Christmas celebrations.

The first entry in his online journal is titled: "It is time to take our community back."
P.c. Palmer writes that he has been told by members of the community that there are people with "sound and relevant information" on recent unsolved murders who are not coming forward.
"It was also brought to my attention that the individuals who have pertinent information that could be of evidential value and which may ensure the victims' families gain the closure they are looking for, are afraid of retaliation," he adds.

"Fear is never a justified reason to cause or aid in the miscarriage of justice. Everyone that resides in this tranquil community needs to be courageous."

Father-of-three P.c. Palmer, 41, who describes himself on his website as an "independent thinker", says residents of the Island need to be put aside their fear of retaliation if they want justice to be done.
"Courage is not the absence of fear but it is the willingness to act even when you are afraid," he writes. "If we use fear to allow an offender to evade prosecution, whether it is for the offence of murder or for an offence of a less serious nature, we are only empowering the criminal."

The entry, dated December 6, 2007, concludes that Bermuda is "still a very safe community" but P.c Palmer warns: "I can see the potential for things to get out of control. It will be a shame if the citizens and residents of this tiny island are made to live in a petrified state.

"Have we adopted the 'it's not my business' mentality? For the sake of this little island, I hope not."

On December 23 — just a couple of days before the Christmas shootings which left Aquil Richardson dead and two other men injured — P.c. Palmer posted another online entry titled: "Let the stats speak to you."

In it, he argues that official Police statistics on crime leave out key categories such as assault causing actual bodily harm, wilful or criminal damage and drug-related offences. He also points out rises in theft, burglary, assault causing grievous bodily harm and sexual assault between 2005 and 2006.

P.c. Palmer states that "murder has seen an unprecedented rise of 50 percent every two years. This can quickly become a frightening number. These are serious times."

There were two murders in Bermuda in 2003 and in 2004 and three in 2005 and in 2006.
P.c. Palmer did not wish to comment on the blog when contacted by The Royal Gazette. It can be found at

Police blogger formally dismissed

Commissioner of Police George Jackson officially "dismissed" blogger Allan Palmer from the Bermuda Police Service on Wednesday,

Mr. Palmer faced disciplinary action from the BPS early this year and was suspended from duty as a result of postings he made on his Internet blog, 'Crushing Fools'.

The former officer — originally from St. Vincent — never gave up his blog and left Bermuda yesterday, although he declined to disclose his destination.

The Police Service, however, issued a statement on Mr. Palmer claiming that allegations on his blog were of "such a malicious nature" that the public needed to be assured of their untruthfulness.

"Firstly, it should be noted that Mr. Palmer has been the subject of a number of disciplinary matters here in Bermuda, regarding his conduct while a member of the Bermuda Police Service," the statement said. "These matters are conducted under the direction of the Deputy Commissioner."

It continued: "In his blogs, Mr. Palmer has continually misrepresented information and expressed personal views that are inappropriate for a member of the Bermuda Police Service."
The statement said that while the BPS does not normally comment on personnel matters, "the very public manner in which PC Allan Palmer has conducted himself necessitates a public response."

According to the Police release: "Mr. Palmer claims that the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Dr. the Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, Bermuda's Commissioner of Police Mr. George Jackson and one of his Superintendents, Mr. Randolph Liverpool, are all conspiring against him after he wrote an article critical of Dr. Gonsalves following sexual assault allegations made against the Prime Minister.

"This could not be further from the truth. Any suggestion of collusion or conspiracy is a complete fabrication.

"The Commissioner of Police for St. Vincent and the Grenadines has written formally to the Commissioner of Police Mr. George Jackson complaining about the conduct of Mr. Palmer, these matters relate to the internal discipline and are again under the direction of the Deputy Commissioner.

"Likewise the allegations by Mr. Palmer that his phones were tapped, listening devices were placed inside his room, that he was followed 24 hours a day for 3 months and that a female 'honeytrap' was set against him are preposterous and totally false."
According to the Police statement, Mr. Palmer's public statement that he has resigned in June was also untrue.

"PC Palmer remained a member of the Bermuda Police Service and subject to service discipline," the statement said. "(Wednesday) under powers vested in him by the Police Act, the Commissioner of Police has dismissed PC Palmer from Police Service."
Attempts to contact Mr. Palmer for comment were unsuccessful.
Fighting for the victims of rape
Published on Saturday, July 19, 2008
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Dear Sir:

After reading my writing in defence of justice and for the support of the allegedly raped female police officer and the young human rights lawyer, both of whom brought allegations against the Prime Minister of St Vincent, Ralph Gonslaves, for rape and sexual assault, I was confronted by this question: “why did you get involved in Ralph’s business?”

Unfortunately, when an allegation of wrongdoing is made against any public elected officer, it automatically becomes the business of the people, not only the business of the person whom the allegation was brought against.

Every public elected officer has an obligation to the people they serve and their office to uphold certain standards, and allegations made against them must be closely examined for elements of truth or untruth and be dealt with accordingly. It is the only way we can keep corrupt practice from forcing up its ugly head and becoming a part of what is considered normal.

Because of the reason I perceived the question was asked, I refused to discuss it. However I am of the opinion that there are others who would like to know why I got involved and wrote the following articles in defence of justice, against rape and in support of the rape victims. I have been teaching my son Malique that he must be a voice for and of the people who don’t have a voice, and to use his strength to defend those who are weaker than himself. But more so the offences of rape have become close to me. I have had family members who were victims of rape. With the exception of one woman, all of the women I have started serious relationships with have been victims of rape and or sexual assault.

This had led me to understand that there are big bad wolves everywhere and most of them are dressed in sheep’s clothing; they put on the outfits of caring stepfathers, concerned members of the community, community leaders, members of the cloth or collar, politicians, etc. The Little Red Riding Hood of this world has got to contend with them daily.

What was unfortunate for these victims was the fact that seventy percent of the people molested were molested before their twelve birthday. The trauma that is associated with these ladies’ experience made it almost impossible for them to hold functional intimate relationships. These ladies, like most victims of rape, have problems with their self-esteem, trust and intimacy. I noticed that my girlfriends were either overly withdrawn or overly promiscuous. The unfortunate thing about this whole life-destructive episode is these behaviours are no fault of the victims (although we often blame them for their behaviours) but rather the fault of the perpetrators of these crimes that were committed against them.

I have sat with sunken heart as I listen to the unfortunate experiences these female who were dear to my heart as they relate their stories of hopelessness to me; and as they describe their feelings of worthlessness they experienced each day.

I have seen the psychological pain of my friends and I have seen their efforts to forget the negative events (the abuses they went through) of their life; that is played back in their conscious mind without their permission, as a flashback of the incident takes control of their conscious mind and replays the whole unfortunate experience over and over and over again.

I have spoken to a friend who was sexually abused by her grandfather and stepfather from the age of three years to seventeen years of age, yet she can remember with perfect recollection of every event that she went through during that period.

So I will endeavour to answer the question why did I get involved? I got involved because I am a father of three children, two girls and one boy, whom I love very much; potential victims for any big bad wolves as well as the Tom, Dick or Harry rapist that prowls our community.

Recently, I have heard of a predator that has been preying on females in the Villa and the Fair Hall area. Stories are told of this male who hold his victims at knife point and then proceeds to rob and viciously rape them. I have heard of the unfortunate female whose Fair Hall home was broken into by a predator that proceeded to mercilessly rape, rob and slash her with his knife.

This is a new and recent phenomenon to St Vincent and the Grenadines. We must never forget that the voice of silence could be deafening and it very often sends the wrong message.

To whom much is given, much is required. I owe it to my children to lend an objective voice against wrong doing, I owe it to my community wherein my children have to live, to ensure that I do whatever I can to make the community a safer place for my children and myself, I owe it to the victims who have no voice, to use the voice that God have blessed me with, to champion their cause, but most of all I owe it to my conscience to ensure that I can look myself in the eyes, look my children in their eyes, so that I can sleep well at night but more so when I become a child on my second time around (once a man and twice a child, the stage of old age) I would be satisfied that my manhood was not wasted but I would have used my influence, my life, my knowledge and my experience to help my community be a better and safer place for all to live in. Allan Palmer

St Vincent and the Grenadines need a saviour above

St Vincent and the Grenadines need a saviour above
Published on Tuesday, August 5, 2008
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Dear Sir:

After I heard the news that the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal turned down the appeal that was brought on behalf of the female police officer, I was not surprised. It is not that the lawyers did not prepare a good case, it is the fact that Ralph Gonsalves’ influence reaches far and wide. And he will do whatever it takes.
That is one reason why I cannot and will never have any confidence in the integrity of the Caribbean Court of Justice; the small-island mentality still reigns supreme and familiarity, position and influence rules in place of professionalism, honesty and justice. Unfortunately, these honourable virtues are given a back seat. There is only one hope for the alleged victims of the Prime Minister and that is the judgment of the Privy Council.
You know what is unfortunate is the fact that it seem as if every one who offered this young lady support is getting weary of the whole issue. Vincentian and all in the Diaspora need to persevere and continue to support this young police female police officer, the lawyer and all of the victims that litter the community.
I can remember when I was a little boy and Boozie Holder was shot and killed by the police. I can remember the admiration and respect I had for the young lawyer (Ralph Gonsalves) who I thought recognised the family’s need, stepped in and provided legal counsel for the family free of cost. Or was it the young lawyer (Ralph Gonsalves) took advantage of the vulnerability of the grieving family and the unfortunate death of a youth to make a name for himself?
However, as the years go by, my respect and admiration for Ralph Gonsalves has slowly diminished, to the point that I refuse to address him as doctor, or honourable. This man’s behaviour is not a reflection of a learned man, one that is capable of honestly obtaining a PhD. His behaviour has brought dishonour to his office as a Member of Parliament, the prime minister and the legal fraternity.
I am of the opinion that the leaders of the NDP have got to get up and push against the grain. The Honourable Amhim Eustace has got to prepare to dirty his hands. If Eustace is going to push Ralph out of office, he is going to have to touch the dirtiness that he is, so Mr Eustace, you cannot be afraid to get your hands dirty. When you are going against your good nature, just bear in mind that is it for the good of your country, Most people may be afraid to admit it, but you are the only hope for St Vincent and the Grenadines; the Moses who must pluck God’s disobedient children out of the hands of the wicked one. Like Martin Luther King in prejudiced America, the people need your strength, Mr Amhim Eustace, to jump into the stink (the place where Ralph Gonsalves dwells) and take St Vincent from this power-possessed man.
Amhim Eustace, I know that under normal circumstances you will not get mixed up in such. But, sir, these are not normal times. Your country, my country, your people need you to stop our beloved country from being lured into the pits of moral and economical and the host of other acts of intentional insanity that is presently going on here. Mr Eustace, your people need you, your country needs; not tomorrow, not next week, we need you like yesterday, for you are the only person who is capable of taking this country from the hands of greedy, vindictive and incompetent men.
Allan H.F. Palmer

Let justice be done in St Vincent

Letter: Let justice be done in St Vincent
Published on Thursday, February 21, 2008
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Dear Sir:

I am a citizen of St Vincent and the Grenadines but I am presently residing in Bermuda, where I am employed as a police officer. I have served one month less ten years in the St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force.
It is with interest that I have been following the allegation of rape and sexual assault that was brought against the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph E Gonsalves. I am not particularly interested in whether or not the PM is guilty but what particularly holds my interest is whether or not justice will be done.
It is important to note that justice is not the conviction or acquittal of the PM but if the justice system would be allowed to take its natural course without any impediment or interruption as it is legislated for according to the laws of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
But the things that trouble me most is the manner in which the two supposedly independent bodies (the police and the office of the Director of Public Prosecution) that are entrusted with ensuring that justice is done at all times; without any such impediment or interruption, is doing all they can to aid in the miscarriage of justice.
Let me take the opportunity to qualify this statement by explaining the duties of these two institutions.
The duties of the police are to:
1. Protect life and property:
This is simply saying, it is the police primary duty to protect law abiding citizens from criminals and criminal activities. In the event the police fail to protect any of its citizens from the criminals that prey on the community, they must move to their second objective which is to:
2. Investigate, apprehend and arrest offenders:
It is the duty of any police department to launch an impartial and unbiased investigation into any allegation of criminal activities that were committed against any member of the community. If such investigation reveals that a crime was committed, then the best investigator should be placed on a quest to ascertain how, where, when, why and by whom the offence was committed and then the apprehension and interview of the offender.
3· Charge and prosecute:
If enough evidence is found that can justifiably prove that the offender had indeed committed the offence then that offender should be charged and prosecuted.
These are the duties and responsibilities of any police department. It is the procedure that every ordinary citizen goes through when there is an allegation of a criminal offence brought against them, and no one is exempted from this process.
However, there are members of the diplomatic corps to whom the laws of the land offer limited immunity from prosecution. It is important to note that diplomats can be prosecuted but certain diplomatic protocol must be observed before any such charges and prosecution can be preceded.
The Director of Public Prosecution (DPP):
The office of the Director of Public Prosecution is a public, independent, judiciary body. This office is supposed to be free from external or other influences and his (the DPPs) office and anyone that has been assigned by him should be allowed to perform their functions without external influences or personal biases. The DPP or/and his assignees are responsible for prosecuting matters and offenders on behalf of the state. He is also the chief legal advisor to the police departments. They are responsible for ensuring that the evidence is collected and corroborates and that the criminal procedures are followed etc. He also has the power and the right to make a “professional” determination as to which matters should be prosecuted by the State and which matters should not be prosecuted.
Our founding legal minds were not ignorant to the facts of abuse of powers, and the prejudice that existed in our society. They knew that people will try to use their powers, offices, and other influences to aid in the miscarriage of justice, where the State is concerned. Hence this is the reason why they built into the system a legal means through which individuals can seek redress when they have been wronged by someone. The offending individual(s) may see it fit to use his influence to cause State officials to aid in the miscarriage of justice; hence we can have private criminal matters being brought against an individual.
The DPP does not have jurisdiction over criminal matters that were brought privately. If this is and was so, then certain people would be above the law.
We have seen Richard Nixon, the then President of the USA and the most powerful man in the free world at that time, was made to resign his presidency and was indicted on conspiracy charges, in the Watergate scandal. Richard Nixon did not commit the crime that led to the Watergate scandal but he was a part of the planning, yet he was indicted. This shows that it matters not your office, your position and the type of power one wields; no one is above the justice system.
I am holding fast to the opinion, which can be proven, that the DPP stepped outside the realms of his lawful power in an effort to aid in the miscarriage of justice when he confiscated the case file from the registrar’s office and attempted to kill the private matter.
The action of the police department and that of the office of the Director of Public Prosecution have led me to conclude that; these two offices have lost their independence; their heads are incapable of acting professionally, and in the best interest in the community.
I am also of the opinion that the head of these two departments are acting in cohesion with the Prime Minister to aid in perverting the course of justice. I am very sorry that I have to say this, but their actions have left me with no other alternative but to hold fast to my new conclusion.
I once thought that we were a Christian society. I was also of the opinion that Christians were strong people, whose characters exhibit honesty, integrity and strong ethics. All this wheeling and dealing in the effort to aid in the miscarriage of justice has brought to my mind the Bible text that says “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.
The PM, like every other citizen, if summoned by a magistrate to appear in court is obliged to show up, with his counsel, and if he thinks that he has no case to answer, then his counsel should put forward a no-case submission and have the magistrate rule on it. This is what is expected of each and every one of us. If the PM refused to show up to court then I expect that an arrest warrant be issued for his arrest. And he must be arrested on sight to be taken to a magistrate at the police earliest convenience. The justice system is so designed to ensure that absolutely no one is above the law and beyond prosecution. We must, at all times “Let justice be done!”
Allan Palmer

The Bermuda Police Association and the issue of mould

Letter: The Bermuda Police Association and the issue of mould
Published on Monday, August 4, 2008
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Dear Sir:

After members of the Bermuda Police Association have suffered death that can be attributed to working in an unhealthy environment, its members are continually becoming ill with all manner of life threatening diseases and after such a valiant display of strength by publicly defying the Government in a protest march, I refused to believe that the members of the BPA executive committee and its members are afraid to do what is right in a life and death matter.
What is what is even more unfortunate is the fact, that after two years of such a deadly revelation being brought to the attention of the Commissioner of Police, the BPA and the government of Bermuda, police officers are still forced to function in these tremendously unhealthy environment: Not only that, other citizens who are arrested are detained are kept in such environment also. The government of Bermuda has an obligation to ensure that, when an individual is arrested, that individual is kept in a safe place, where no harm can come to him or her. Anyone that is arrested and is detained at the Hamilton Police Station automatically becomes susceptible to life-threatening illness, and their chances increase depending on your medical disposition.
The government of Bermuda is asking supposedly intelligent men and women -- the members Bermuda Police Service -- to risk death and terminal illness while they perform their duties. This is a most idiotic request and it is only idiots who are going to follow such a request.
When it was discovered that the Cedar Bridge School was infested with mould, the government without delay evacuated and relocated the entire school population. No one could have asked the teachers to function in such a condition. Why are the members of the Bermuda Police Service still operating in this unhealthy mould environment? The silence and willingness of the police to operate in such an unhealthy environment is testimony of the frailty and lack of courage of that institution. Or is it a situation where the prolonged exposure to mould has already destroyed the police officers’ ability to think rationally?
This only goes to show how strong the Bermuda Police Association executive and members are. It also shows how much respect the government of Bermuda has for the Police Service -- the protector of the community.
Mr Carl Neblett, how many more officers have to die, become ill and have a near death experience before you develop the courage or the aptitude to do what is right and is required of you. Your officers need to be relocated immediately.
Allan H.F. Palmer

The revenge of Ralph Gonsalves

Letter: The revenge of Ralph Gonsalves
Published on Tuesday, June 24, 2008
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Dear Sir:

Each time an honest man or woman stands up against or lends a voice of objection against wrong or injustice, he or she can expect to be prosecuted for his actions. And anytime an individual stands up against and or lends a voice of objection against Ralph Gonsalves, he or she can expect a particular mode of revenge; which is, he will use his position, his office and or his influence, to victimise that or those individual(s).
We have seen this in the unfair and premature dismissal of Mr Cummings (ex-manager of the Central Water and Sewage authority, who moved that government-owned corporation from a debt plagued institution to a profitable institution); Major Leacock (the man who also took the indebted Vinlect and turn it into a profitable, multimillion dollar government corporation) and the hundreds of New Democratic Party (NDP) supporters that were unfairly and prematurely dismissed because of their allegiance to the NDP. We have seen the unfair transfer and punishment of staff nurse Janice Lewis for reporting the finding of an STD in a mother and a daughter that infected by… Let me shut my mouth before one of SVG’s big bad wolves sues me.
However, anytime an honest individual speaks in the name of justice and it is against the big bad, sorry, big dirty wolf and chief victimiser (the one who is responsible for creating victims), then we know there are going to be repercussions.
When I first heard of the allegations made by the female police officer against the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves and when I heard of Ralph’s efforts to pervert the course of justice, I wrote my first letter, which was titled “Let justice be done in St Vincent.” I have been sending this article to the News newspaper, the Searchlight and the Vincentian, for a month before I had the letter published on Caribbean Net News. Up to today’s date (19-06-2008) none of the newspapers (who normally give me a voice) has published that article. Thanks to Caribbean Net News, the oasis in a desert of injustice.
However, after my letter was published and was read on Nice radio, a series of events began to happen to me on my job right here in Bermuda. Yes, the Prime Minister’s friend from Georgetown, Randy Liverpool, Superintendent of Police and his newfound friend, George Jackson, Commissioner of Police, launched an all-out attack against me.
My cell and home phone were tapped, listening apparatuses was placed in my room, and tracking devices were installed on my car, I was followed 24 hours-a-day for three months. There are three police officers who had become the target of the Bermuda Police Service, all for different reasons, but I, Allan H.F Palmer, became public enemy number one.
Ever since I publicly declared (this declaration was done in the presence of one of my countrymen) my intention to help the alleged rape victim fight for due process and my failed submission to have my first letter published by the newspapers in SVG. George Jackson and Randy Liverpool have been trying to prove their allegiance to the Prime Minister by trying to have me fired and they had to make it look legitimate. As a matter of fact they have turned me into a folk hero here in Bermuda, in this case a symbol of strength of one that is not afraid.
After the Royal Gazette reporter Sam Strangeway did a front page story of me and my blog, giving me credit for my work on the blog, this angered the comrade and his friends. They had to do something to stop this man (Allan H.F Palmer).
So the guys came up with a master plan. They arranged a beautiful girl (with whom I was friendly; also what they offered her I don’t know) to call and request some insignificant information form the police system. Although the information was insignificant, I was aware that the Bermuda Police Service has ways and means of cheaply dispensing such information. So I decided to complete the documentation for the young lady and I encouraged the pretty face young lady to use the system as is provided for these purposes.
At 1:30pm that day I was summoned to Commissioner of Police George Jackson’s office for a meeting. And these are the words he said to me, and I quote, “You have been embarrassing the Prime Minister and the Government of St Vincent. You must stop it or we are going to take action against you. However, I am here to warn you that you will be on suspension pending the outcome of the investigation. Your suspension papers have already been drawn up and you will be served today.” I then asked the reason for my suspension, it was then I was told that I have violated the Police Confidentiality Act. This was so funny that I laughed heartily. Thank God for my trusty micro digital recorder.
Soon after they were informed that I did not fall for the plot, I was excused from the meeting and sent back to my work with a compliment of how good a worker I am. A few weeks later I was suspended on the allegation that I have disobeyed a direct order from the Commissioner of Police (an alleged order which was given in the meeting I mentioned above) and I have been on suspension for the last five months. I was suspended on an allegation that I disobeyed a direct order from the Commissioner of Police; yet there were PC Glen Kellman, who was investigated, charged and prosecuted for Grievous Bodily Harm. There were then PCs Fox, Miguel, Mitchell, Baghawn, and Telemaque, all of whom was investigated, charged and prosecuted for a series of criminal offences, which included Assault and Bodily Harm, Attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice, etc. There was also PC Dennis Archer, who was investigated, charged, prosecuted and convicted for causing Grievous Bodily Harm to his girl friend, yet none of these police officers who stood trial for criminal offences were ever suspended, but were allowed to continue to perform duties in the capacity of a police officer. Yet I was suspended for a simple allegation.
No police officer in any part of the world has an obligation to comply with a direct order from any senior officer if he knows that order is unlawful. This can be found in any Police Act and it is in the Bermuda Police Service Act 1974.
Can you imagine that after sustaining a broken coccyx bone and having a surgical procedure done on me, that I am going through all of this? Yes, I am presently on sick leave for two very painful conditions yet I have got to go through this. Mr and Mrs Palmer did not bring up any weakling who runs and hides his head in shame at the first sign of disappointment. I am from Bottom Town, I have no shame and why should anyone be ashamed for doing what is right. This whole series of event was the catalyst that revived and invigorated me.
I am not writing this letter to invoke your sympathy; I may have to walk away from a job, but, for me, life will go on. Instead, I implore you to give your sympathy and empathy to the young police officer who was allegedly striped of her dignity by her beloved leader, give it to the young human rights lawyer who had allegedly suffered the indignity of her body being violated, and give it to the hundreds or probably thousand of underage and other women who were violated sexually and otherwise by those who were put in place to make their lives better. Dr Gonsalves, I may have to walk away from my job and that is quite okay, but just remember that God is so good, he doesn’t ever sleep and I am still his favourite child.
Allan H.F. Palmer

Bermuda Police Protest March

Letter: Bermuda police protest march
Published on Saturday, July 26, 2008
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Dear Sir: When I saw my colleagues, the members of the Bermuda Police Service, put down their batons and take to the streets of the city of Hamilton in a public demonstration by marching in protest against what the Bermuda Police Association (BPA) considered as acts of blatant disrespect exhibited to its members by the government of Bermuda, I smiled with fascinated amusement.
There is no doubt the protest action, which was organised and executed by the Bermuda Police Association, was indeed a historic occasion; in that it was the first time (according to my research) in the history of the Bermuda that the police have ever publicly and knowingly participated in a protest demonstration of any type.
What was unfortunate, however, was that fact that it took money to inspire the Bermuda Police Association management committee to motivate its members to take to the streets in a sign of defiance to the government’s action. However, this only occurred after the government of Bermuda failed to comply with the outcome of the arbitration that both parties entered into in good faith. This act of paramilitary defiance came after the government opted not to honour the outcome of the arbitration but, instead, seek leave from the Supreme Court to prepare a judicial review application, which is aimed at overturning the decision that was arrived at during arbitration.
While the Bermuda Police Association exhausts its energies and other resources to ensure its members are well compensated, they ignore an issue of astronomical proportions. This crisis has been affecting and will continue to affect the members of Bermuda Police Association and it is an issue of life and or death for the BPA members.
According to the executive summary of the May 2003 study conducted by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constables (HMIC) Mr David Blakey, in paragraph 12, “Whilst officers have been given quite a range of safety equipment for use on patrol, they are less safe in the building that they work in, some of which are in contravention of the Health and Safety Code. HMCI personal observation revealed not only was the building unsuitable and unsafe to work in and to take prisoners to, they were also in stark contrast to other government buildings in Bermuda.”
In recommendation 9, HMIC recommended that the government of Bermuda examine its capital work projects to see if they can allocate funds to refurbish and or rebuild the police premises. HMIC saw this issue as a serious problem that needed urgent attention to ensure the safety and welfare of all police, prisoners, and members of the public who visit and work in police premises.
The foresight and insight of HMIC was tremendous. I am convinced that outgoing governor His Excellency Sir John Vereka and outgoing Commissioner of Police Jonathan Smith knew of the reputation and trusted the judgment of HMIC, hence the reason they commissioned HMIC to conduct this study. Yet no one paid attention to the findings in Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constable’s study. I also managed to access a November 2006 air quality assessment study that was conducted by Bermuda Water Consultant Ltd (BWC) on the Hamilton Police Station. The revelation that is contained in this study is terrifying.
This study revealed that the ground floor of the Hamilton Police Station has a concentration of mould and mould spores that is in excess of 29 times the acceptable level. What was unfortunate, however, is the fact that the report did not show the specific findings of the test that was conducted on the fourth floor of the Hamilton Police Station in November 2006. This part of the Hamilton Police Station is where the Criminal Investigation Department is housed and it is believed that this section of the building has the highest concentration of mould and mould spores than any other section in the entire building, so much so that the concentration of mould and its spores in this area, adversely affect the air quality to the extent that the air is a tainted, in that it transforms the air quality to a musty odour that permeates the entire vicinity.
According to the report, there are seven different species of mould that inhabit the Hamilton Police Station, which include:
The Aspergillus is considered to be the most potent of the group; this mould produces, among others, a toxin that is called Ochratoxin A, which is a key element in kidney failure. This mould is also responsible for causing invasive and chronic pulmonary Asporgillosis which can lead to sudden and unexplained (if you do not know what to look for) death if allow to go undiagnosed.
Smuits / Myxomycetes / periconia
Unfortunately there is not enough scientific study done on, or that is available to me on the other moulds that will allow me to justify or match some of the other symptoms I have been hearing of.
I am therefore seeking answer for the following questions:
1. Could it be that the unexplained and sudden death of Timothy Herbert, Paul Marsden and Andrew Wooldridge (all healthy men, Marsden and Wooldridge were avid sports men) were as a result of a build up of toxins in their bodies, which resulted from prolonged exposure to the mould-infested police environment?
2. Could it be that the sudden and unexplained diagnosis of severe kidney failure that was discovered in Emerson Donald (who the medical professional predict will have to be on dialysis for the next few years) resulted from the prolonged or periodic (some people has a disposition to become vulnerable to a toxin) exposure to mould and mould spores infested environment? After all, when Donald complained of becoming of ill when he was in a certain police building, but found relief when he was out of those environment, it was recommended that Donald be evaluated for psychiatric abnormalities.
3. Could it be that PC Donald’s body was giving him early warning of an environment that was unhealthy for him? Unfortunately, no one took Donald seriously, not even the medical professional took this young husband seriously.
4. Could it be that the sudden diagnosis of kidney failure in PC Julie is a result of prolonged exposure to the mould infested environment (after all she worked at the Hamilton for quite a while) where she assigned?
5. What could have caused the unexplained and sudden illness of my West Indian colleague who had gone through a battery of medical testes just a few months earlier and was given a clean bill of health by his family medical practitioner and by the police doctor after a thorough review of his medical records to ensure that this young man was fit to come to Bermuda? Could it be his life-threatening illness was a result of a prolonged exposure to a mould and mould spores environment?
6. Could it be that the unexplained and prolonged illness of PCs Raynor, Nurse and Smith be a result of the prolonged exposure to the same unhealthy environment?
7. Could it also be that the sudden and unexplained diagnosis of blood clod in both lungs of Wayne be as a direct result of prolonged exposure to the same unhealthy conditions that all the others were and are exposed to? Although this could also be as a result of deep vein thrombosis, which I doubt. For those of you who know PC Wayne as I do, PC Wayne is a fitness freak (jokingly speaking). However, putting jokes aside, PC Wayne took his health seriously, he worked-out on a regular basis and he is careful with what he eats. After visiting with PC Wayne (who was thankful for being alive) he explained the whole unfortunate episode to me, which included the symptoms he was experiencing. P C Wayne’s symptoms were consistent with the symptoms that are associated with “Invasive and Chronic Pulmonary Asporgillosis” which are: slight fever, chest pain, coughing, tiredness and the excretion of mucus mixed with blood. Very often an excretion of mucus mixed with blood is a sign that there is blood present in the lungs; and anywhere in the body there is a presence of blood there can be clotting.
8. Could it also be that the unexplained diagnosis of PC Yard’s aneurysm, the unexplained and sudden heart attack of PC Ryan and the many more personnel who are suffering from unexplained medical complications were and are a result of prolonged and/or periodic exposure to the unhealthy concentration of mould and mould spores-infested environment the government of Bermuda and the Bermuda Police Service require that all police officers work in?
9. Could it be that the two occasions when Allan Palmer experienced the sudden inability to breathe during circuit training, one severest bout that occurred while running the BPS training school steps (this was witnessed by Peter Clark who expressed concern) was also as a result of working for almost three years in contaminated environment?
10. Why did the BWC technicians feel the need to conduct a follow up study on 14th December 2006 on the 4th floor, which houses the CID offices?
11. Why the BWC technician didn’t see the need to conduct follow up tests on the other floors and areas of the Hamilton Police Station?

12. Was there a post mortem done on Paul Marsden, Andrew Wooldridge and Timothy Herbert?
13. Did the pathologist order toxicology reports for these men?
a) If no, why not?
b) If yes, what were the results of that report?
c) Were the total findings handed over to the family of these men?
d) Can the BPA access these reports?
I have a sneaking suspicion that the report that was made available to the public was an altered copy; for one thing, the pages are not numbered. This leads me to ask the powers that be this question, why didn’t you see fit to give public access to the findings of the study, which was conducted on the 7th November 2006 on the 4th floor of the Hamilton Police Station, which is located at 42 Parliament Street, Pembroke, and which houses the Criminal Investigation Department?
Carl Neblett, I implore you to leave the fighting of the government to your lawyers, there are more pressing and urgent matters for you and your association to be addressing; matters that needs your attention forthwith. There are far too many unanswered questions. I am recommending that you get in touch with each person whose name is mentioned in this article, including PC Emerson Donald, his lawyers, Wakefield-Quin, and Jack Thrasher, PhD (toxicologist). It is in the best interest of all involved that the members of the Bermuda Police Association are alive and in good health to enjoy the hefty 7 percent retroactive back pay that is coming to them and the increase in salaries.
It is very important that you move quickly before the government demolishes the building or the ongoing renovations completely rectify the problem, thus eliminating all possibility of ever recovering the evidence that can strengthen any case you and your BPA will be bringing on behalf of your members.
This study was ordered by the Office of the Commissioner of Police, so it is fair to conclude that the Commissioner of Police knew of the findings of this report. It will also be fair to say that, based on the potentially lethal finding of the study, the Commissioner of Police has an obligation to report his finding to the governor and to the government of Bermuda. If this is true why is it that the Commissioner of Police and the government of Bermuda still have the members of the Bermuda Police Service still working in the death trap that is the Hamilton Police Station?
It is important to note that, if any person dies as a result of complication caused by working in such environment, then all involved should be charged for Acceleration of Death under section
282 of the criminal code: 282 A person who does any act or makes any omission which hastens the death of another person who, when the act is done or the omission is made, is laboring under some disorder, injury or disease arising from another cause; is deemed to have killed that other person.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the families of Paul Marsden, Timothy Herbert and Andrew Wooldridge have a wrongful death civil or a similar case against the Bermuda Police Service and the government of Bermuda.
Allan Palmer